"mailfilter" wurde von Andreas Bauer geschrieben, es funktioniert unter etlichen Betriebssystemen (insbesondere unter Linux und Windows).
libnsl.so.1 libstdc++.so.5 libm.so.6 libgcc_s.so.1 libc.so.6 /lib/ld-linux.so.2Zu finden in den Slackware-Tarballs
glibc-2.3.2*.tgz glibc-i18n-2.3.2*.tgz cxxlibs-5.10.*.tgz glibc-solibs-2.3.2*.tgz gcc-3.2.3*.tgzoder neuer
Einbinden in "fetchmailrc":
bei "fetchmail 6.2.5" sollte das Authentifizierungsverfahren in die "fetchmailrc" eingetragen
auth password(Das Wort "password", nicht das aktuelle Passwort)
fetchmail -vvv /etc/mail/fetchmailrc
Der oben erwähnte Tarball 0.6.1 funktioniert bei Arktur 3.4/3.6/5.0-slack
@echo off start /w wdial t-on-2,-r 5 if errorlevel 2 goto ganzende rem 2: Fehler; 1: Verbindung besteht schon; 0: Verbindung wurde aufgebaut d: cd \Programme\Mailfilter0401 start /w mailfilter -M mailfilt.rc -L mailfilt.log c: wdial -h :ganzende
# ----------------------------------------------------------- # Example configuration based upon the INSTALL document, but # showing some advanced features such as 'Negative Filters', # extended Regular Expressions, etc. # ----------------------------------------------------------- # für Arktur und für "Swen" angepasst 21. September 2003 Helmut Hullen # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Logile path (be sure you have write permission in this # directory; you MUST specify a logfile) LOGFILE=mailfilt.log # die Datei muss existieren! # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Level of verbosity VERBOSE=4 TEST=no # ----------------------------------------------------------- # POP3 server list (do not change the order of the fields!) # Note: Port 110 is usually the port POP3 servers use. # Currently only POP3 is supported. SERVER=pop.t-online.de USER=ich PASS=geheim! PROTOCOL=pop3 PORT=110 #SERVER=internal.de #USER=ichnochmal #PASS=auchgeheim #PROTOCOL=pop3 #PORT=110 # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Do you want case sensitive e-mail filters? { yes | no } REG_CASE=no # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Sets the type of Regular Expression used { extended | basic } # # (The default is 'basic', don't change unless you know what you # are doing. Extended REs are more complex to set up.) # We want some additional smartness in our rules. That's why only # extended Regular Expressions work for this sample set-up. REG_TYPE=extended # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum e-mail size in bytes that should not be exceeded. # Accept only 250 KBytes message size. Friends can send more though. # (See MAXSIZE_ALLOW for further information.) MAXSIZE_DENY=250000 # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Set maximum line length of any field in the message header # (default is 998 characters per line; 0 to disable option) MAXLENGTH=998 # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Filter rules for detecting spam (each rule must be placed # in a seperate line) # This one filters mail from a certain person. # (We need the back slash before the '.com' since we are using # extended Regular Expressions.) # DENY=^From:.*spammer@any_spam_organisation\.com # This one filters mail from everyone at a certain organisation: # DENY=^From:.*@any_provider_that_spams\.org #Spam DENY=^From:.*\.(ar|br|cl|ee|ro|cn|kr|id)[ \>\)] DENY=^(From|Subject):.*=?(big5|koi8|GB2312) # fuer Westeuropa geht das DENY=^Received:.*\[20[02]\. # blendet Suedamerika und Suedostasien aus DENY=^From:.*<> # kein Absender-URL DENY<>^Message-Id:.*@ DENY<>^Date:.*[0-9] # keine richtige Message-ID, kein Datum DENY=^(Date|Message-ID):.*added # Message-ID oder Datum unterwegs hinzugefuegt # # ist etwas ruppig ... DENY=^(To|CC|BCC):.*(mail) DENY=^Subject:.*( |aaaa|eeee|iiii|oooo|uuuu|xxxx|\$\$\$|\!\\!\!|\.\.\.\.) DENY=^Subject:.*(Penis|Viagra|boobs|breast|pills|pharmac[iy]|naked|girl|wom[ae]n|partnership|medicin|diplomas|[ ]inch) DENY=^Subject:.*(weight|postcard|remember|fuel|anyone|[dt]ence|drugs|hgh|vicodin|need|medication|health|enlarge|grow|buy|prescription) DENY=^Subject:.*(mortgage|taxes|someone|missing|worried|generic|favourite|business|discreet) DENY_CASE=^Subject:.*(ADV|URGENT|HELP|NEEDED|VIRUS|SPY) #Swen DENY=^From:.*[^a-z](ms|msdn|msnbc|microsoft|technet)\.(com|net) DENY=^From:.*[^a-z](america|newsletters|rocketmail|updates|advisor|bulletin|netmail)\.(com|net) # erwischt "*@ms.com" und "*@xxx.ms.com" usw. DENY_CASE=^From:.*([mM]icrosoft|MS[- ]) DENY=^From:.*(Inet|Internet|Message|Security) DENY=^(To|Cc|BCC):.*(customer|consumer|client|partner|receiver|recipient|microsoft|internet|user[s@]) DENY=^Subject:.*(microsoft|net(work) |internet|security|critical|latest|current|new|last)+ .*(patch|upgrade|update|pack) DENY=^Subject:.*(error|abort|bug|failure|undeliver(able|ed)|return|technical)+ .*(mail|notice|report|letter|message|announce|advice|bulletin) DENY=^Subject:.*(patch|update|upgrade)+ .*(immediately) DENY=^Subject:.*virus\ alert # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Normalises the subject strings before parsing, e.g. # ',L.E-G,A.L; ,C.A-B`L`E, +.B-O`X` ;D`E`S,C;R,A.MB;L,E.R-]' # becomes 'LEGAL CABLE BOX DESCRAMBLER' which can be filtered. # # If NORMAL is switched on, Mailfilter tries to apply filters # to both the normalised and the original subject. NORMAL=yes # ----------------------------------------------------------- # The maximum e-mail size in bytes that messages from friends # should not exceed. # Der Wert sollte (anders als in der "man page" geschrieben) # sicherheitshalber nicht auf 0 gesetzt werden; es könnte sein, # dass "mailfilter" dann tatsächlich 0 Byte (also nichts) # durchlässt. # Helmut Hullen, 19.10.04 # Accept only up to 5 MBytes message size from those listed # in the ALLOW rules MAXSIZE_ALLOW=5000000 # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Set list of friends that always pass, if they do not # exceed the message length of MAXSIZE_ALLOW # This rule allows all mail from a friend who was unlucky enough # to have signed up with a spam organisation. With DENY we # block everyone else from that domain though! See above! # ALLOW=^From:.*a_friend_with_account@any_provider_that_spams\.org # Of course we allow e-mail from anyone who has something to say about # mailfilter: ALLOW=^Subject:.*mailfilter ALLOW=^Subject:.*(schan|Schul|linux|lug|gee-|netlaw|pingos|san|arktur) # We also let our girlfriend send any e-mail she wants: # ALLOW=^From:.*my_girlfriend@any_provider\.com ALLOW=^(From|To|Cc):.*(Schul\-Netz|heise)\.de